ESG Solutions
From Wikimarcellus
ESG Solutions (Engineering Seismology Group or ESG) is an industry leader in microseismic technology and services. ESG provides 3D passive seismic imaging (microseismic monitoring) instrumentation and services for hydraulic fracture and reservoir projects and has worked extensively in the Marcellus shale.
By locating microseismic events associated with the fractures, it is possible to determine the geometry of a fracture and the effective production volume (stimulated reservoir volume), observe any interactions with existing faults and monitor for events locating out of zone. ESG primarily uses downhole geophone arrays to monitor microseismic activity during hydraulic fracture operations. Microseismic results are provided in real-time to engineers so that the information can be used to optimize treatments.
ESG is known for industry leading geophysical interpretation services and has been involved in the US hydraulic fracture market since 1997 when it participated in the Cotton Valley Hydraulic Fracture Imaging Consortium working in the Barnett shale.
ESG was founded in 1993 by a team of seismologists from Queen's University in Kingston, Canada including Dr. Ted Urbancic and Dr. Cezar Trifu. The Canadian-based company has its US headquarters in Houston, Texas and regional offices in Calgary, Denver, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Dubai and Changsha.

Photo courtesy of ESG Solutions